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Tips for Protecting Your Septic System in New Brunswick

Here at Carter’s Septic Tank Service and Portable Washrooms in New Brunswick, we’re dedicated to customer service. Part of that service, we feel, is advising you on the best way to keep your septic system running smoothly – for your protection and the protection of the environment. For a safe, cost-efficient and effective system:

Have your tank inspected and pumped every 2 to 3 years. (Use the schedule recommended by your local septic professional.)

Know where your septic system is located so you can take note of changes in the appearance on the surface.
Do not use a garburator. They contribute to the accumulation of solids and require more frequent pumping.
Do not plant trees or shrubs on or around the septic tank or drain field. The plants will block the sun, reducing the evaporation ability, and the roots can damage the drain field.
Plant grass on the field. Grassy vegetation helps the soil absorb water.
Do not dispose of hazardous chemicals down your drain, especially pesticides, paints, gas, etc. Limit your use of bleach and strong disinfectants.
Do not flush sanitary pads, tampons, cigarettes or other small objects.
Schedule laundry loads evenly throughout the week. Try not to do all of the laundry in one day.
Limit excess water use:
Install efficient, low-flow toilets and showerheads.
Fix leaky faucets and showers.
Fix toilets that run continuously.
Do not allow roof gutters to drain into, on or near the septic system.
Do not park cars or heavy equipment above your tank or drain field. Doing so compacts the soil and reduces absorption.

Use Bio-Clean® once a month – even once a week for slow or problem drain fields.

Septic System FAQs

How do I locate my septic tank?

Locate your pipe in the basement and follow the angle. Generally, the tank is 5 to 10 feet from the house.

How often should my septic system be cleaned?

Rule of thumb: For a family of 4, every 2 to 3 years. For a family of 2, every 3 to 5 years.

Is there anything I can put in my septic system to help keep it working properly?

Yes! We use a product called Bio-Clean®, which is a blend of bacteria and enzymes. The bacteria are all-natural and must eat to survive and multiply. They are also high producers of enzymes and are acclimated to feed on a large variety of materials in the waste.

Click here to download the Do's and Don'ts of proper maintenance for your septic system.

Septic System Protection Solutions

We offer fast and reliable septic system protection solutions. Reach out to us now.

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