Using Bio-Clean® for Eco-Friendly Septic Cleaning in New Brunswick

At Carter’s Septic Tank Service and Portable Washrooms, we believe that it’s everyone’s responsibility to keep New Brunswick’s rich natural resources pristine for future generations. To that end, we strive to protect the environment in our practices and in the products we use.
Turning Unsavory Waste into Plant Life!
That’s why we choose to use Bio-Clean® Friendly Bacteria Waste Eliminator rather than harsh chemicals. This blend of natural bacteria and powerful enzymes attacks organic wastes such as grease, hair and sewage, converting them to harmless water, carbon dioxide and mineral ash that flows out through your system and sustains plant life.

Bio-Clean® Thoroughly Cleans Pipes
When you pour Bio-Clean® down the drain, the helpful bacteria in this product even cleans the biodegradable waste clinging to the sides of your drainpipe. While we use Bio-Clean® in your septic tank and drain fields, you can safely use it in toilets, all of your house drains, and in your garburator – even in RV and boat holding tanks.
At Carter’s Septic Tank Service and Portable Washrooms, we’ll be happy to discuss in further detail with you why we use Bio-Clean® and how effective it has proven to be over the last few years. Contact us if you wish.